Pregnancy Testing

A free lab-quality pregnancy test is your first step to confirming your pregnancy. Even if you've taken a home pregnancy test, it's essential to retest because over-the-counter pregnancy tests aren't necessarily as reliable as they say. Schedule an appointment or come on by for your free and confidential pregnancy test today.

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Parenting Resources

To be a successful parent, you need education and a group of people who will walk beside you along the way. We provide both educational opportunities and the support you need. Our classes cover prenatal care, parenting techniques, healthy relationships, and much-needed life skills. Find out how we can help you become a more successful parent.

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Support Classes

There are some journeys in life that are harder to walk alone. That's why we offer classes and groups on things like pregnancy loss, abortion healing, fertility awareness, and family planning. Sometimes it helps to share our experiences with others and get fresh input on our situations. We're here to encourage you as you take brave steps forward, and then to celebrate with you as you overcome! Contact us to discuss how we can help.

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