Sexual Health

Could I have a Sexually Transmitted Disease? Any time a person engages in sexual activity with a partner, there is a chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or infection (STD or STI). Some of the most common STDs are HVP, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, among others. Condoms may help reduct the risk of contracting

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Your Pregnancy Options

If you have a positive pregnancy test, you have three choices to consider: Option 1: Abortion If you’re thinking about finding an abortion clinic, it is important to remember that abortion is a medical procedure. What type will you have? What are the risks? You deserve to know the facts. You owe it to yourself

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Morning After Pill

Emergency contraception (or the morning-after pill) is a type of drug taken after sex that may prevent pregnancy in some cases. Before taking any type of emergency contraception, it is important to get all the information, so you can make an informed decision. Your health is important! There are many brands of emergency contraception on

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Could I Be Pregnant?

Any time you have sex, there is always a chance for pregnancy. At different times of the month, the chances can be higher or lower, and sperm can live in a woman’s body for several days. Many women assume that if they use contraception (birth control), they cannot become pregnant. Contraception, however, is not 100%

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